to NOMOVET`s web pages!
Here you can find: information about us, our services, gallery of photos from clinic`s daily life, many of our patients as well as NOMOVET`s pets and you can familiarize yourself with some interesting cases of cured patients, but also find out other useful information for you and your pet.
Thank you for visiting our website and we hope to see you in our clinic!
As a longtime owner of the dogs and birds and having a huge insight into veterinary practice in our country and in Europe, where I live now, I want to point out that NOMOVET is a real blessing for the owners and animal friends. This statement, by any meanings, is not an exaggeration, because it is based on several facts: Clinic is equipped by professional standards that can in every way compete with the world`s best; Professional NOMOVET team for its commitment to patients, monitoring patients responses and developments even out of the clinics, helpfulness, kindness, high professionalism and continuous improvement is an absolute guarantee for the best animal care that exists in our country. NOMOVET`s Pet Shop is one of the best equipped, with a very informed and professional seller who, thanks to his knowledge and familiarity with the current products on the market, really gives the best advice that correspond to the different needs of patients. My only suggestion is that Pet Shop should have all articles on the NOMOVETs website in order to get a full picture of the offer and buy via the Internet. Sincerely, one of the oldest NOMOVET`s friends, DR Nada Ivanovic.
At the end of May 2009. My African gray parrot Jacques woke up one morning showing weakness, inability to stand on his feet, gathered toes and in poor general condition. I am the third owner of the bird, I know he is thirty-five to forty years old, not hand-fed and probably came to country illegally from Gabon long time ago. Since he was robust and healthy, he never had the need for veterinary services. Until that day... Luckily two days later, I came to a great people, experts and friends from NOMOVET clinics. From the first moment I understood “where I am”. Earlier, my family had small animals and when it came to the situation that we need a vet, it was a problem, mainly because veterinarians are specialized in the treatment of dogs and cats, the other species are little known. Not in NOMOVET. Diagnostic approach, apparatus, equipment and space – just like in a better human medicine clinic. I found out that my vet, Dr Ljubica Čerović deals with exotic birds and is constantly further improving, as well as the rest of the team. Help arrived immediately and the effect was visible. The overall diagnosis and appropriate therapy, constant contact and control. We did it! After all I have to say that I would not have decided to have a pet again, especially exotic bird, if I haven`t found out NOMOVET clinic and its great medical team. Thus, (no kidding!) I tell them that I will come to treat me if something happens to me. They have entered in my life among a small group of people who I believe in unconditionally.
NOMOVET is undoubtedly the best veterinary clinic that exists. We are happy that we made the best choice. Professional, responsible, kind, available 24 hours a day, above all reliable, proves that the world's highest standards can take root in our country. Thanks to this veterinary clinic, pet owners can sleep tight - because they know that the best veterinarian team takes care of the health of their animals. We, on our own example experienced that doctor Buba Čerović, owner of the clinic, with her colleagues solves not only the hardest, but you would say impossible cases - professionally, efficiently and with lots and lots of effort, understanding and care. We, owners of 3 dogs are endlessly grateful to NOMOVET. Because, in one place our pets are treated, getting the most modern veterinary treatment, and also they enjoy the beautiful Pet Shop that has virtually everything one can imagine. Therefore, NOMOVET is the best ally to any owner of any animal. Owners are only remained to envy their pets – for having medical treatment they will never have. NOMOVET is a quality that can not be found elsewhere. Admirers and friends - 2 owners and 3 dogs: Milica Milša, Zarko Jokanovic, Oki, Žule and Lea. Thank you! Thank you! Ow! Ow! Ow!